How high would you rate your moral standards? On what scale? I would like to think that my morals are high but I'm just an imperfect animal still trying to figure it all out. My morals are dictated by each individual situation I encounter and what the effects the results of my decisions would have on me and those around me. My morals are subject to change and I don't really wish to push them on anyone else. My moral standards have increased since I mentally left the JWs.
Where do you stand on telling lies, upholding truth, deceiving others etc? At this point in my life, it has never hurt me more to lie than it does now. I feel so incredibly accountable for each thing I say and do. That's why I stepped down from being an elder. I couldn't handle the double life anymore. I am searching for truth and trying to avoid deception. This is very difficult since I am still "in" the JW religion.
Does the end justify the means? Too broad. Every situation is different. Not sure how answer this.
Where do you stand on associating with people who do not act in a way you approve? As I said in my response about morals, I try not to push my beliefs and opinions on others. If an associate was doing something that is very dangerous or destructive to themselves, or to me, I would avoid them. I'm very liberal though, so it would take a lot for me to write someone off.
How do you feel about how the world of normal people views you? As an adult, I have always been the type who gets this response from non-JWs when they find out about my religion, "You're so normal for a JW." I used to take pride in that because I didn't want my religion to be viewed as weird. But it is weird. I don't want anyone to think that the JW religion is in any way "normal." There are normal people within the JWs, but the religion itself, the doctrines and rules, are not normal. Most "normal" JWs are breaking some of the rules. Hardcore JWs are rarely viewed as normal by non-JWs. Currently, if asked about religion, I do not identify myself as a JW. I'm only a JW on paper, according to the congregation publisher card.
How do you draw the line on what you will not do at the bidding of the WT? I push "conscience matters" to the limit. I decline offers to "reach out." I keep a low activity level in the Org. Fortunately, I have not been put in a position where a really serious matter requires that I take a stand against the WT. Yet. I would accept blood. I wouldn't shun a close friend or family member. I wouldn't profess allegiance to the WT in the face of persecution.
What is personal integrity? I wish I could speak on this point but in relation to the WT Society, I don't feel I've done enough yet to talk with any authority on the subject. I would like to say that personal integrity is standing up for what you know is right, despite the pressure to do otherwise. That definition doesn't fit me right now. I'm still in. I'm doing this weird balancing act so that I don't lose family and friends. Each meeting I attend, each morning in service I show up for, each prayer that I say "amen" to, takes a little piece of my integrity away.